Saturday, April 30, 2011

Last Day of Preschool/Cupcakes

Elle had her last day of preschool this week, and I am sad. Not because I will no longer have to race her to school twice a week, trying to be on time (on her last day we were a little late because I had to hand wash her dirty unicorn shirt so she could wear it for the third day in a row, because it is her favorite shirt and she just had to wear it to her last day of school); or because I will no longer have to make creative cupcakes for her after school. No, I am sad because the end of preschool means my sweet little girl is growing up. I can hardly believe she will be in Kindergarten next year. She seems too little and small. I want her to stay mine forever, but I know she has to grow up. But I guess I did not think it would be this fast or soon. I know she is ready for school, but I am not sure at all if I am. But ready or not, she is done with preschool.

I am very proud of Elle and all she has learned and accomplished in her short time in preschool. Before we went to preschool, I had my doubts as to whether or not she would ever go. Elle has always been—and still is—a Momma’s girl (to an extreme extent). She would hardly ever leave my side or let me out of her sight. I was not sure if I could ever get her to go to school. However, to my amazement, Elle went to school no problem. She never had an issue on day one, and she continued going day after day like a pro. I was so proud of her and I am still overjoyed to think how comfortable she is leaving my side and going to school. She really is such a sweet, good girl.

And let’s not forget the cupcakes. Yes, I am still a sucker, and I made Elle a unique/creative cupcake almost everyday after school. I think she will miss this little ritual of ours, and I think I will, too. But I am definitely not going to be starting this up again when she goes to Kindergarten. No way. Four days a week is too much for me. Maybe I will do it on the last day of the week. I’ll have to see. Oh, probably will, seeing as how much of a sucker I am.