Monday, August 1, 2011

No More Diapers

Hudson has so generously lately been bestowing his poopy diapers right to my hands. That’s right, the second the kid poops, he takes off his diaper and hands it to me. The only problem with this is, is that his bum is usually quite dirty, and he is none to careful while carrying the soiled diaper. So, I am basically having to search and find his spilled waste around the house (GROSS!!). And it doesn’t stop there. He doesn’t just take his diaper off if he has gone poop. I have also found him taking the diaper off and hiding it in random places (as if hiding it will keep me from putting one on him). Today I found his diaper stashed beneath the TV. Very sneaky Hudson.

I think it is definitely time to start potty training Hudson. He is obviously very aware of what he is doing down there. He is also obviously very sick of diapers (me too), so I think it is time to start the dreaded potty training. Boy am I in for a lot of work. But I am very sick of him taking matters into his own hands. I am the parent; I will be taken matters into my own hands.