Monday, August 1, 2011

Family Home Evening—Anchor

Our theme for family home evening this week was: anchor. For our lesson we talked about how an anchor keeps a boat where it should be. Without an anchor, a boat can drift away, get destroyed or become lost. We learned that we too need an anchor: the prophet. When we follow the prophet and do what he says, we are anchored. But when we do not heed his words, we can drift away from what we know is right and become lost. Basically, we learned to become anchored through the words of our prophet. After the lesson we made and colored our own anchors (a fun craft for all ages). And after the craft, Hudson and Elle ate anchor cupcakes (I was told—in no uncertain terms—by Elle, that I needed to do more cupcakes for dessert in family home evening, because some of my other desserts are gross). So, I made cupcakes tonight, and I got the approval from Elle. And family home evening was a success.