Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Wedding

Beauty and love abounded last night, as we celebrated the union of Dakota and Jae Cee. The happy couple tied the knot in a picturesque location amongst family and friends. The bride looked beautiful, and the groom looked handsome. It was a wonderful wedding; it was a wonderful moment.

Elle practically beamed last night through the entire duration of the ceremony. She had a new dress, new shoes, a new hair clip, a new bracelet, her very own bucket full of flower petals, a new coat of polish on both toes and nails, and attention, attention, attention. She did such a good job depositing her petals along the isle for Jae Cee to walk upon—though her and the other flower girl were a little stingy with the petals; when they got to the end of the isle, their buckets were still quite full. But stingy or not, they still did their flower girl duties. Elle stood at the front for a while, but then she asked to come and sit with us for the rest of the ceremony. She did great; and loved every minute of being a flower girl.

Hudson got his own tux, and looked as handsome as can be. He was not too sure about all of the festivities, but was a good sport—like always. He just walked around and explored every inch of the place. He was a little upset that we would not let him swim in the pond—he loves water—but other than that he didn’t get too mad. His favorite place to be was on the dance floor. It was a smooth, solid surface, and he loved walking all over it.

I loved that Hudson got a hold of Elle’s flower bucket, and proceeded to take all of the petals out. He then, of course, decided to eat them. But what else would he do with them?

I also FINALLY got a picture of Hudson and Charlie together. Charlie is my Cousin Cody’s daughter, and she was born on the exact same day as Hudson. I love that they share the same birthday, and so I was thrilled to at last have them together.

Elle loved dancing at the wedding. She was pretty much a dancing fool. She jumped around and danced all night. And Johnny and I decided that our kids did not have a bedtime last night—something that never happens with me—and we partied most of the night. Hudson did rather well considering he has never stayed up for seven hours straight before. And I was sure he would fall asleep in the car, but of course he did not. Elle did, and Hudson stayed awake the whole way home—he is the impossible sleeper.

The wedding was beautiful, and turned out stunning. It is hard to believe that my little brother is married; but married he is. I am so happy for the two of them. They are great together.

And now we are off-schedule, tired, and a little out of it. But what does it matter when you have that much fun?