Friday, April 2, 2010

Six-Month Stats

Hudson went in for his routine well-check today, and showed us all that he likes consistency—he stayed in the exact percentiles for both weight and height. His head, on the other hand, grew twenty-five percent. Hudson also showed us that he is tough—he cried for only a moment after the shots, and then he was over it. I also gave him a little glass of water—which he thought was just wonderful—and the shots were long forgotten. All in all it was a good appointment in which we found that Hudson is happy, healthy and well.

His growth percentiles for six months were:

Weight 19 lbs (75%)
Height 28 ½” (97%)
Head 17” (50%)

Hudson is still completely outweighing his sister, who at seven months(we were behind on shots, due to moving and switching insurances) weighed sixteen pounds eleven ounces, and she was 25 inches long. At the rate he is going, and the rate she is not going, it may not be long before he outweighs her. He is definitely our big boy.