Saturday, April 24, 2010


Hudson is seven-months-old today. My that seems fast. Every time I turn around he is older and bigger. He doesn’t seem much like a baby anymore. He is now a big boy—he’s not so helpless; and he responds to so many things in his surroundings. I love that he can now crawl. He can get anywhere he needs, and I am not stuck carrying him around as much. I especially love it when he follows me around the house, and when I get close to him, he lifts his little arm up to me so that I can pick him up. It is so cute, that I can’t help but give in every time. I am a sucker. Hudson also pulls himself up on anything or anyone stable (obviously there are some toys, as well as Elle which are just not steady objects to use).

We all love Hudson so much. He is such a content, sweet baby. He is almost always happy, and never cries—except when Elle is loving him too much. He loves to laugh and giggle, and it is quite infectious. He makes us all smile, and our lives feel complete, whole, and joyful with our little Hudder Budders.


heidi nielsen said...

Ah, Hudder Budders.