Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hunter Safety Course

Johnny successfully passed his hunter safety course yesterday. He is now an official Idaho hunter (or least he can now hunt legally). He has been working on completing this course before May, so that he can be placed in the hunting draw and hopefully win a permit in the lottery. And now that we live close, I am going to put into the draw as well, and hope to get a permit, too. I have never drawn before, and I would like to do so. I have done too many years in the open hunt, and I would find it exceptionally better to be in a permit hunt. But Johnny can do either; he has years in the open hunt before he catches up with me.

I thought I would input a picture of me in my orange hat—lovely—when I passed the hunter safety course 17 years ago. I was ten when I passed the course. Crazy. But I am still amazed that they are giving away the same attractive hat. One would think they could have updated in all that time. Johnny said he only took the course so that he could get the hat. Definitely worth it. I really think he should wear the hat when he goes hunting in the fall. No one would mistake him for a dear for sure. And no one will mistake him for having fashion sense either.

I also put a picture of Bridget and I when we killed our first—and only—deer. I think I was thirteen at the time. And though they are small bucks, we were still proud of getting them. We killed them at the same time on the same day. We were lucky enough to find two bucks together. We were also lucky that we were both able to hit them—though it did take each of us several shots; but that is another story altogether.


Lance and Becky said...

Ok I first have to say as a Veggie eater I did not enjoy those pictures at all. However congrats to Johnny for passing his course. And I am sure Johnny wont be able to catch up with you!!