Friday, June 24, 2011

Main Street Mile

This weekend, Elle joined lots of determined children, and chased an ice cream truck. I know this statement sounds crazy, but it really is true. Elle, and her two friends, signed up for the Main Street Mile in downtown. Basically, this is a race where the kids run a half-mile after an ice cream truck. Then, at the end of the race, they all get a blue ribbon and an ice cream. Very fun.

Elle ran this race last year, but she only made it through a quarter of the race before she was ready to stop and walk. I wasn’t sure what to expect of her this year, so I went with an open mind (and flimsy flip flops). However, she greatly surprised with me with her competitive edge (she gets it naturally from Johnny and I; we are very competitive—especially with each other). Not only did she not want to run it with me (she told me constantly that she was running by herself), but she was also very focused and determined. When they said go, she took off (as did I in my useless, unsuportive flip flops). She ran fast, and she ran the entire thing (stupid flip flops). She never once walked or checked to see where I was. She was in the zone.

I was very proud of her and her accomplishment. I don’t think she has ever ran that far without walking. It was something new for her. She really did so well. I was also happy with how confident and motivated she was. She was not concerned with me or where I was. She just ran her race.

But something that really made me happy, was at the end of the race when Elle willingly shared her ice cream with her brother (I wasn’t just happy, I was shocked). I think it may have had to do something with the endorphins.

So until next year (when I will not be wearing flip flops), Elle will have to practise her running at home. And maybe those endorphins will bring about a whole new form of kindness. One can always hope.