Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Boy after His Daddy's Heart

Hudson often wakes up from his nap each day, and immediately gets into mischief. He never cries out or lets me know he is awake; I usually find out, because he has gotten into some kind of trouble or other. He is a very quiet trouble maker. One never knows what naughtiness he will sneak into next.

This was precisely the case the other day when he woke up from his nap. I was busy doing things that I can only do when Hudson is asleep, when I was pretty sure I heard him awake. I was a little busy, so I told myself he was being good—never a good thing. After a little longer, I knew I heard him near Johnny’s desk, which is a definite no-no in our house. I quickly dropped everything I was doing, and headed up the stairs. I was not sure what I was going to find, but having my son sitting at his father’s desk watching golf was not at all what I expected.

That’s right. Hudson somehow managed to turn on the computer monitor, and then he somehow managed to turn on the satellite. How? I don’t know. But manage he did. And to top it all off, he was being so good—not even a little bit naughty—sitting there watching golf on ESPN. I was in shock. First, because he had turned the computer and satellite on by himself; and second, because he was being so good—no trouble making at all. I couldn’t help but just stand there and smile. And all I could think at that moment was that his daddy would be so proud. And he was.