Sunday, May 29, 2011


Hudson is OBSESSED with the vacuum. So much so, that I have been found to vacuum my house 2-3 times a day. A little excessive I know, but it makes Hudson so happy that I cannot help but re-vacuum my already spotlessly clean floors again and again.

Hudson is absolutely relentless when it comes to the vacuum. He will grab my pants and pull me to the closet where the vacuum is stored multiple times throughout the day. He begs—grunts—for me to vacuum. He will cry and throw tantrums if I do not vacuum the floor. And if I do vacuum the floor, then he grabs his golf club and watches and smiles the entire time. It is a little hard to resist him the pleasure of the vacuum.

That being said, I was excited to find a toy vacuum for Hudson for a $1.50 (that’s right folks, I got the ultimate bargain). Hudson was overjoyed at my find. He has played with his vacuum non-stop, and he will not let ANYONE—not even his sister—have a turn. He even likes to sleep with his vacuum. It is a comfort to him (I, however, think it would be uncomfortable to sleep with). But sleep with a vacuum he must.

I cannot believe how obsessed he really is. The vacuum has become the way to distract, please, uplift and engage my son. There is not a tantrum or bad mood that cannot be fixed with the sound of the vacuum (why I do not know). But even though I constantly laugh at his obsession, I am happy that he has something that pleases him so much.


Justin, Amy, and Grace said...

That is too funny! Grace got that same vacuum a couple years ago for Christmas, but I think Santa paid $20for it! You really did get an awesome deal.

John and Tawnya Hoover said...

How Cute... Cullen cries when I vacuum so my floors stay dirty most days..