Sunday, January 23, 2011


While pushing Hudson in the cart at the grocery store this week, I was running out of room to place the various food items we needed (Elle was in the front of the cart—and was none too helpful—and so I had little room for groceries). I placed a box of cookies (I know, not very healthy) next to Hudson, and continued shopping. Hudson thought this box was the perfect item for him to open—unpaid for—in the store. But as he attempted to open the box, his finger got stuck in the recloseable tab at the top. He then grunted at me—he is a man of few words—to help him get his finger free. I, of course, gave him lots of attention and asked him if his finger was stuck. I then proceeded to free his tiny finger from the box. Hudson found this to be a great game, and so for the rest of our shopping trip, he repeatedly pretended to get his finger stuck in the cookie box. He would sweetly grunt for me to free his little finger every time. I found this to be very sweet and lovable. Surprisingly, it never got old. I loved rescuing him every time.