Friday, January 28, 2011

Blue Permanent Marker

Hudson snuck away to the upstairs today, and somehow got a hold of a blue permanent marker from Johnny’s desk. I was unaware of his whereabouts, and had no idea that he had a permanent marker in his possession. Just when I was starting to wonder where Hudson had run off to—something he does a lot—I saw him come down the stairs with a paper and the despicable marker in his hands. I immediately confiscated the marker, and then I looked at the paper in his hand, which was covered in blue ink. With dread, I immediately went upstairs to investigate. Luckily, I was surprised and happy to find that he had only colored on the paper (which was a sheet of Avery labels). However, just as I was sighing a huge relief at not having my carpet or walls colored on, I noticed Hudson’s mouth. Not only was his tongue blue, but so were his teeth. I can’t imagine that a permanent marker tastes good, but obviously Hudson did not care. He sucked on it anyway. It took an entire day for his saliva to wash his tongue and teeth clean. Needless to say, we no longer have ANY permanent markers in our house—especially blue ones.