Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Hudson just had his one-year-old well-check. Usually at such an appointment, he would have to have several shots; but seeing as how Hudson is still recovering from two ear infections, he was able to bypass such a procedure. However, he can only skip out for so long. Once his ears are completely healed, he will have to make another trip into the doctor’s office so he can have the detestable shots.

Hudson did get weighed and measured at his appointment, however. But he thought this was just about as bad as the shots (he’ll probably change his comparison next week when he actually gets the shots). He cried and pulled on the nurses and doctors hands every time they came near him or touched him. He was definitely not a fan of the doctor or anything that had to do with him. But we did get his growth precentiles, which were:

Weight 22 lbs 1 oz (50%)
Height 30 1/2” (75%)
Head 18” (50%)

And since he was such a good boy at the doctor—debatable—we let him pick out a sucker. Usually Elle eats his sucker, but this time I thought it would be fun to allow Hudson the privilege. He LOVED the sucker. Of course, he was a huge, sugary, sticky mess, but that is just part of the fun. At least that is what I kept telling myself as I pulled the sticky sucker off the floor of my car. Don't tell Johnny.

I love Hudson to pieces. He may not be the greatest of sleepers or eaters, but there is no one else like him. He is fun, silly, curious, content, destructive, determined, loving, happy and tough. He is the sweetest of boys, and I am so glad that he is a part of our family. I love watching him learn and grow; and I am happy to spend everyday playing with him.

I love you Hudson!


Harris Family said...

One already. I can't believe it...to be honest it kinda makes me sad. It made me realize just how long it has been since we have seen you guys. I mean we haven't even met Elle. The years are FLYING away for me. I watched the Apprentice on Thursday night-it brought back some really fun memories of hanging out with you guys at your apartment, having fun, playing sequence, and watching our shows. Miss you!!!!