Thursday, September 9, 2010

Elle's First Day of School

Elle’s first day of school was picture perfect. She could not have had a better day. Everything from the apple cupcakes to the saying goodbye was perfect. She was all smiles—no tears—the entire day.

From the moment Elle woke up and saw her apple cupcakes, a smile never left her face. She loved the special treat that I had concocted in her honor. She, too, was thrilled with her crown, placemat, and shiny apple, but nothing topped the cupcakes—those were definitely the favorite. However, they could not be eaten until after school. They were to be her special after school snack. To this, she reluctantly agreed—she was pretty sure they would make a scrumptious breakfast.

After eating a breakfast of apple shaped toast and her shiny apple, she received a father’s blessing from Johnny, and was then off to get dressed in her new school attire. She could not keep her excitement inside—she was jubilated. Once she was dressed and ready to go, her and I hopped in the car and drove to her new school. Parents are allowed to stay the first day with the kids if they are needed. I assumed I would be one of those parents; but once we arrived at school, and did the opening exercises, she went to the science lab and allowed me to go home. I could not believe it. She was perfectly fine with me leaving. In fact, she didn’t even give me a second glance. But believe me, I gave her one. My little girl is growing up.

And after two hours at preschool, I came back to pick up a smiling, and very excited girl. She loved school. Of course, once I picked her up, she could not quit asking me about eating her apple cupcakes. Those were definitely foremost on her mind. So, we went home, ate cupcakes, and talked about her first day of school, which was a complete success.

These are Elle's first two art projects from school. I love how she incorporated our apple theme into her artwork.


Mrs. Boojwa said...

I can't believe she's old enough to go to preschool. That's crazy. I'm sure she'll do great!