Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Big 3-0

Johnny just recently—as of yesterday—turned 30-years-old; and he has been in a little bit of denial about his age ever since (probably due to the fact that I have been teasing him nonstop). But denial or not, he has just turned three-decades-old.

But besides the age factor, Johnny had a wonderful birthday. He awoke to singing; he got to sleep in—a precious commodity in our house; he opened amazing, 30-year-old-approved birthday gifts; he ate a delicious BSU inspired birthday cake; he ate his favorite dinner: steak; and he skipped his late-night class—something he has not done since he started his MBA.

So, all in all, it turned out to be a good 30th birthday—even with the teasing.


Mrs. Boojwa said...

Happy Birthday Johnny! I miss hanging out with y'all!

Lance and Becky said...

Happy Birthday Johnny B!!

Kati Howard said...

Ahhhh... th big 3-0! Tyler will be 30 next year... and I am relentless about the teasing of this fact. Congrats Johnny, you have much to be thankful for at your ripe age of 30! ;)