Thursday, March 24, 2011

1 1/2

Today is Hudson’s half-birthday; and we celebrated with all of the half-birthday essentials—half of a cake, party hats, candles, singing and lots of playing. Hudson thoroughly enjoyed himself, even though he had no idea what Elle and I were so excited about. He just liked all of the attention.

But the highlight for him was definitely the cake. He ate and ate his half of a cake and loved it. It was nice to see him enjoy it, since he gagged and puked on his one-year birthday cake—he did not like that cake at all. But today he couldn’t get enough of his cake; and in between bites he repeatedly smacked his lips and said, “Mmmm!”

I can hardly believe that he is so big and old. I just love the kid to pieces. He is so fun, silly, content and just plain wonderful. He makes my everyday extraordinary. I love him so much.

And as a side note, I’d like to say that the golf club pictured with Hudson above is his most favorite toy. But to him it is not just a toy. He takes it everywhere with him—the library, the doctor, the store, the post office, the car. It sits with him while he eats. It sits with him while he watches movies. And he cries every night when I refuse to let him take it to bed. The kid will not even put it down to play. He holds it in his right hand and rests it upon his shoulder. It really is so cute; I find it very endearing. Some kids have blankets or stuffed animals for comfort; but not Hudson, he has a green golf club.


Mrs. Boojwa said...

It really does blow my mind how much this kid looks like Dakota. I like the half cake idea. Very cute :)