Sunday, May 2, 2010

Seven Years

Seven years ago…



Thank you for all the laughter, the love, and the joy. In these past seven years, I have never learned more, laughed more, or had more fun. You are my best friend, and I am ever grateful to spend my life with you.

Yours forever,


I just wanted to mention that Elle took the pictures of us today. It was quite comical. I especially love the one where she cuts Johnny’s head off—very funny. But for a four-year-old, they were not too bad. And with a little editing, we ended up with a pretty good picture.


Mrs. Boojwa said...

I can't believe its been 7 years! I was TOTALLY THERE! ;)

heidi nielsen said...

As I was looking at the pictures I figured Elle must have taken them. She did a fantastic job. Happy anniversary!