Saturday, May 8, 2010

Pirate Parade

What is more exciting than dressing up and attending a party with friends? Not a whole lot more according to Elle. Today, at our local Barnes and Noble Bookstore, Elle got to get dressed up as a pirate, and participate in a pirate parade with our neighbor Koen. She had so much fun donning pirate gear, and getting into the character of the costume. She had an eye patch (which, surprisingly, she wore the entire time), a pirate earring (much less painful to adorn than getting her ears pierced), pirate tattoos (she wanted to wear every single tattoo), and a sword (what’s a pirate without a sword?). When Elle woke up this morning, she carried all of her pirate gear downstairs, and then proceeded to ask me every five minutes if it was time to attend the pirate parade—what a long morning. But finally, the designated time arrived, and she was able to attend the event and have so much fun. She even won a prize for the best costume. All in all, Elle had a fun day dressing up as a pirate. But when does she not have fun dressing up?