Monday, May 24, 2010


Today Hudson is eight-months-old, and he has a rash-stash. What is a rash stash you wonder? It is a rash that looks like a mustache. It is red; it is ugly; and it is sad. Each time I look at his sweet face, my heart breaks to see the rash-stash. I feel so bad for him. It itches and hurts him all at the same time. It has come out in the past two days, and it is not getting better, and it is not getting worse. It is in rash limbo, and cannot decide what to do. Hopefully it will get out of its midpoint, and decide to disappear altogether. I will not be sad at all to see it go. I am not a real big fan of mustaches—actually I am not a fan at all—but the rash-stash takes the cake. It is the worst mustache I have ever seen. I feel sorry for my sweet little boy, and I cannot wait until his baby face is back.

Aside from the rash, Hudson is doing exceptionally well. He is growing and learning at an accelerating rate. He crawls everywhere; and he takes great pride in getting into situations and items that he shouldn’t. I am amazed daily at the predicaments he gets into. And the funny thing is, when I remove him from the situation, it doesn’t faze him. He simply shrugs it off and crawls to a new spot or place that he shouldn’t. I have to watch him like a hawk—he is faster than you think. But thankfully he is such a good natured and happy boy. He never complains, and he is tough. I am always amazed at what does not bother him. It takes a whole lot to ruffle Hudson’s feathers. And when he does cry, I usually know something is REALLY wrong. But thankfully, that rarely happens, and Hudson just continues being a sweet, fun, happy, and energetic boy.

Hudson also has good news to share: he has his first tooth. It broke through a week and a half ago, and I was completely surprised—I didn’t know he was teething. I was making him laugh one day, and I saw something on his gum. Seeing as how I did not think he was teething, I was sure it was food or some other thing he had gotten a hold of. But when I put my finger in his mouth to wipe it away, I was amazed to find that it was a tooth. I was very happy to not only see his first tooth, but to also find that teething is not all that bothersome to him. Hopefully he keeps that up.

Hudson has also started to climb the stairs all by himself. It is cute and scary at the same time. The first time he climbed the stairs, I congratulated him and then went right out and bought a gate. I know with him, I cannot be too careful. He is already into too many things; a fall down the stairs is not something I would like to add to the list. So, gate it is.

I am so happy with my sweet little boy—rash-stash and all—and I am ever pleased that he is a part of our family. He makes me smile everyday, and I cannot imagine a moment without him. I truly do love my little Hudders.


heidi nielsen said...

Poor little guy. Jack got a rash similar to that from eating eggs. I believe it was called contact dermatitis? It can be caused by different foods. I hope it gets better.