Friday, May 8, 2009

Three-Year-Old Stats

Elle and I went to the Doctor yesterday for her three-year-old wellness check. She is doing really well, and has moved from the tenth percentile to the ninth percentile for weight (big jump), and for height, she is in the eleventh percentile (no surprise). She is just little girl; but at least she is consistent. I think she has always been in or around the tenth percentile.

At the age of one, her growth percentiles were:

Weight 19 lbs 13 oz (20%)
Height 28 3/4" (25%)

At the age of two, her growth percentiles were:

Weight 22 lbs 12 oz (10%)
Height 2' 9" (44%)

Her growth percentiles for the age of three are as follows:

Weight 26 lbs 8 oz (9%)
Height 2’ 11.5” (11%)

After the doctor’s appointment, Elle and I went to the San Ramon Central Park (aka the water park), since Elle was none to pleased to get “fixed by the doctor.” She had a lot of fun playing and splashing in the water, and she still cannot quit talking about it. All in all, it was a good day.


Mrs. Boojwa said...

She *is* tiny. Imagine that. My nephew is in the bottom 5 percentile somewhere. The doc keeps trying to tell my sister to fatten him up, but he can't eat any of the food that makes him fat (he's allergic!).

The water park looks fun. Glad things are going well!

Mrs. Boojwa said...

I forgot to mention my nephew is in the 95th percentile for height...... so he is tall and gangly. :P

Justin, Amy, and Grace said...

Oh my gosh! Grace weighs more than Elle and she's not even 18 months yet.