Saturday, November 15, 2008

Here Comes Santa Clause

Today we decided to take Elle to the mall to visit Santa Clause. We were not at all sure what to expect, considering she was deathly afraid of him last year. However, much to our surprise, we found that Elle quite liked Santa this year. She was a little sketchy at first about sitting on his lap, but with a little persuasion, she proceeded to sit quite happily on his knee and smile for the picture—by herself mind you. The Christmas display they had in the mall was a very pleasing one. It was themed as the Polar Express, with a giant snow globe equipped with pretend snow. Elle loved going inside the snow globe and dancing in the snow. She could have stayed there all day. Seeing as how she is so captivated with Christmas, this was a perfect way to start off the holiday season.


Harris Family said...

VERY cute pictures! Looks like a really nice and fancy set up in your mall. I can't wait to take Carson!