Saturday, August 16, 2008


Being a mother of a hyper and very energetic two-year-old, I sometimes forget to take the time to stop and realize what amazing things my daughter thinks and says everyday.

Yesterday happened to be one of those days that Elle reminded me to take a moment and reflect. While I was reading my scriptures yesterday, Elle found a picture of Jesus that I use as a bookmark. As she picked it up, a smile lit across her face. “Look Mommy, Jesus,” she said. Now, Elle recognizing a picture of Jesus is not new. In fact, it is a usual day occurrence. So, I simply replied, “Yes, Elle, that it Jesus.” Elle proceeded to look at the picture, and then exclaimed, “Jesus is my friend, and Mommy’s friend, and Daddy’s friend.” I smiled and again replied, “Yes, Jesus is all of our friends.” Elle continued to look at the picture, and then said, “Jesus can hold me Mommy.” This comment made me stop and think. How sweet and simple Elle’s words were, but also how profound. This little two-year-old, in a few simple words, expressed something that our Savior could do for her. I stopped, smiled, and put my arms around her. “Yes, Elle, Jesus can hold you.” Elle smiled at me, and said, “Jesus is a little bit special to me Mommy.”

After yesterday, I hope to take a little more time to really listen to what my hyper and energectic two-year-old has to say.


Harris Family said...

how precious-thanks for sharing such a sweet moment!