Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Family Home Evening—Cornucopia

Our theme for family home evening this week was: cornucopia. For the lesson we learned all about the cornucopia. We learned that the cornucopia is typically a hollow, horn-shaped (or ice-cream-cone shaped according to Elle) wicker basket overflowing with fruits, flowers, vegetables and grains. We also learned that it is the symbol of plenty or abundance. We then talked about how at Thanksgiving time we take a moment to give thanks for the abundance or plenty of blessings we have.

After the lesson, we made our own cornucopia, complete with fruits and vegetables. We then, wrote down a blessing that we are thankful for—family, grandparents, home, gospel, food, Jesus—on each food item. Next, we compiled all of our blessings/food items into our cornucopia, and made our own cornucopia of blessings.

And lastly, we topped off our night by eating some edible cornucopias on top of cupcakes. Elle and Hudson of course found these to be delectable and delicious.

All in all, we were thankful for a fun and delicious family home evening.