Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Riding on a Bike! Riding on a Bike! Elle Loves Riding on a Bike!

Elle has finally figured it out! She can now pedal her bike without any aid or assistance. She is quite proud of herself, and constantly tells Johnny and I, as well as everyone else she meets, how fast she is. She is continuously begging me to take her outside so she can ride her bike. She truly has a lot of fun, and I like it because it gives her loads of exercise. I am hoping that the constant pedaling makes her exceptionally tired, which in turn creates a sleepy girl who takes extra long naps. So far, it has not been the case; but one can always hope.


Brittany said...

Ella loves her bike too! She wants to ride it every day and she thinks it is the best. I don't know what we will do when it starts to snow!

Kati Howard said...

I can't believe how grown up she looks peddaling on that little bike. We just bought Quincy new "big boy" clothes (no onsies or snap on shirts) and he's already turning into a toddler!

Good Job Elle!