Sunday, April 27, 2014

Elle is Eight

Elle’s birthday this year was a lot of fun. She wanted a Frozen-themed birthday—no shocker there—and Frozen-themed gifts. I really enjoyed finding her gifts, preparing her cake—even if I had to make two, because the first was not quite what she was imagining—and decorating. She also requested a friend party, where we built snowman, pinned the carrot on the snowman, played hot potato with a snowball, had a freeze dance, and ate cake and opened presents. She loved every minute of her birthday. She got lots of presents, and ate lots of cake (since there were two). I am glad that she had such a good birthday, and I cannot believe that she is eight. I love my girl.

Happy birthday to my sweet, spunky, silly, crazy, creative, caring, energetic, happy, sensitive, kind little girl. She is such a joy to have in our family, and we all love her dearly.