Sunday, August 5, 2012

Lazy Days of Summer

Not that much has happened lately; at least nothing that has been picture worthy. (I have so many pictures of us at the park or on bikes. One can only take so many.) We have mostly been enjoying our lazy days of summer. However, we did get a surprise on our garage door the other morning: a praying mantis. Elle thought it was a giant grasshopper at first. I don’t think she has ever seen a praying mantis before. But I was a good mom and caught it for her in a jar. Of course, I closed my eyes, wore gloves and squealed the entire time. (But who can blame me? They are gross.) Elle and Hudson thought it was great to watch. It reminded me of last year when we caught a huge spider in a jar—I squealed then, too—and fed it flies all summer. I think that spider would have kept on living, if winter hadn’t completely depleted our flies. Oh the lazy days of summer when we have enough time to catch bugs in a jar and feed them.