Sunday, February 6, 2011

16-Month Well-Check

I took Hudson to the doctor for his 15-month well-check—though he is 16 months—and I was happy to receive some new statistics for him. I was also sad to have to make him get two new immunization shots. And while I was making Hudson get his two detestable shots, I couldn’t help but think of the talk, All Things Work Together for Good, by Elder James B. Martino of the Seventy. In his talk he said:

“I ask a question to you mothers: ‘Would you ever do something that would cause pain and bring tears to your children when they have done nothing wrong?’ Of course you would! When mothers take young children to the doctor to receive immunizations, almost every child leaves the doctor’s office in tears. Why do you do that? Because you know that a small amount of pain now will protect them from possible pain and suffering in the future.”

When I first read this question in his talk, my answer was a firm no. But after reading the talk in its entirety, my answer was a firm yes. Because at the doctor I was doing just that—I was causing Hudson pain and bringing him to tears for nothing he had done wrong. However, Hudson did great, and didn’t cry for the first shot; and he only cried for two seconds for the second. He is a very tough boy who does not like to cry. His sister on the other hand is dramatic, and very much so enjoys a good cry. They are such opposites. But I love them both dearly.

Hudson’s 16-month growth percentiles were:

Weight 22 lbs 13 oz (40%)
Height 31 3/4” (75%)
Head 18 1/2” (50%)