Sunday, November 28, 2010

Meet and Greet with Santa

Elle always looks forward to her yearly meet and greet with Santa (with all of the Christmas activities we do each year, she ends up with around 3-4 meet and greets). Our first of this year was to meet Santa at the mall. Elle was just beside herself with the anticipation of actually seeing Santa and telling him of her wishes and desires for Christmas. She could hardly contain her excitement. It was exuding and just bursting from her. She loves Christmas.

After waiting in line—which was not too long—Elle was able to finally sit on Santa’s lap and divulge all of the items on her Christmas list. Santa was very kind, and listened to each of her requests (a Clarice from Build-a-Bear and a Rainbow Dash bath pony). When she was done revealing her Christmas list, Santa then told her all of the names of the reindeer, and talked with her about other Christmas items. Elle loved every minute of it. She was very happy sitting on Santa’s lap. Santa was so kind and nice. Her first meet and greet was a definite success.

Hudson’s experience with his first meet and greet was not so fun or nice—it resulted in tears. Before actually sitting on Santa’s lap, he eyed him up and down. He was unconcerned with the jolly, red guy when Elle sat on his lap, but when I set him on Santa’s knee and then walked away, he became very concerned. He immediately arched his back, cried and tried to get away. It was cute and funny at the same time. I tried giving him a candy cane—bribery—but he was not impressed. He wanted off, and he wanted nothing to do with Santa. Maybe next year.

I do love this picture. Elle looks so sweet and happy; and Hudson looks so red, splotchy and mad.