Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013!

Parties, trick-or-treating, and candy, candy, candy, pretty much sums up our Halloween. The kids had so many opportunities to wear their costumes—Johnny’s work, neighbor party, ward party, classroom party and, of course, trick-or-treating—and they loved it. Elle loved being Mary Poppins (mostly because she got to wear makeup), and Hudson was so excited to be a football player (mostly because he got to wear a helmet). It was a fun week of Halloween festivities, and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

7 ½

Elle had her 7 ½ birthday this month, and she was excited. And although we do not have presents on half birthdays, we have a half of a cake. And who doesn’t love cake?

My Superheroes

Hudson and Elle had a lot of fun dressing up as superheroes. They ran around running, jumping and pretty much acting crazy. It was very entertaining (for them and me).

Carving Pumpkins

We love carving pumpkins (mostly for the seeds). The kids get really into it. Elle has no qualms about digging in and finding all of the seeds. Hudson, on the other hand, has a few reservations (he is not so keen on it). But he loves putting his pumpkin head pieces in. That he is ok with. But in the end, qualms or no qualms, everyone has a good time.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Two Front Teeth

Someone FINALLY lost her second front tooth. She has been waiting, and waiting and waiting. But it is a little hard for a loose tooth to fall out, when a little girl is too scared to wiggle it.

Four Year Well Visit

Hudson had his four-year-old well check last month, and I am happy to report that he is doing well. He did have to get two shots (never fun), but he was tough and did not cry. In fact, he did not make a peep. He was just his usual, easy-going self. But he did get two suckers afterwards (red, of course), so I don’t think he minds shots at all. And I was glad to see that he is growing and progressing just as he should, despite the fact that he is impossible to feed.

Hudson’s growth percentiles for the age of 4 are:

Height: 3’ 4” (36%)

Weight 33 lb (30%)