Sunday, November 17, 2013

Accidently Losing Teeth

Someone bit down on a plastic ring and lost a tooth that I don’t even think was loose. But with a little visit from the tooth fairy, she is very happy. And she thinks that plastic ring is awesome.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Primary Program

Hudson and Elle participated in our ward’s Primary Program today, and they both did a good job on their parts as well as singing the songs. I was very proud of them. But this was Hudson’s first Primary Program, and he is only four, so I was not at all sure what to expect from him. However, despite this being new, he did a good job sitting, singing and saying his part. But he was very entertaining as he sat in the front row and put his hands around his eyes, and pointed at people (one can only sit for so long). But when he saw me sitting in the audience, and smiled and waved, it melted my heart. And Elle was good like always, and her sweet smile made me happy.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

30 Weeks
